* All monuments shown below are with the permission of the families and organizations we have served*
Please allow images to load as there are over 300 photos of past work in this section. Thank you for your patience.
Ledger with batman and Buccaneers logos, Ruskin Cemetery
Tall custom monument family tree Curlew Hills Memory Gardens
orthodox cross companion memorial Cycadia Cemetery
Laser hunting scene dog Lithia, Fl
Blue Pearl memorial Chapel Hill Memorial Park
Large Angel on the cloud Cycadia Cemetery
upright memorial Army 4th Division recessed motorcross
Morning rose granite, carved roses Trinity Memorial Gardens
Vietnemese memorial fishing boat bass Calvary Catholic
Family mausoleum Arcadia Cemetery
Black granite heart with relief cross
Mahogany Granite Frosted Outline letters Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Dakota Mahogany Marble Statue Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Virgin Mary Emblem Carving
Hebrew memorial Royal Palm South
oval top black granite memorial Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Hand Etched Portrait Artistry on Black Granite
American Flag laser on memorial
ornate floral cross Cycadia Cemetery
Bahama Blue memorial Largo Cemetery
Unique shape monument Bahama Blue Granite Calvary Catholic Cemetery Clearwater
Tall wings recessed photos greek granite rocks in lot Cycadia Cemetery
Paradiso double monument headstone Mt. Zion Dade City Pasco Florida
Black granite Grey Orthodox cross Greek section Curlew Hills Memorial Gardens
Mickey Minnie Mouse Disney Trinity Memorial
Blue Pearl headstone with 12x9 recessed porcelain photo, Gan Shalom Cemetery
hand etched portrait Tampa Bay Lighning Bolt Limona Cemetery
Black Granite memorial with recessed inset porcelain tile, Osceola Memorial Kissimmee, Fl
Grey double upright memorial with notch for vase Orange Hill Cemetery Tampa, Fl
Hand etched portrait Resthaven Memorial Park
Engraved black granite ledger grave cover Resthaven Memorial Park Tampa
Baseball Monument Tampa, Fl
Large laser image at Resthaven Cemetery in Tampa, Fl
Cremation Columbarium and bench, Trinity Memorial Gardens
White marble monument headstone Wauchula Cemetery
bronze bas relief plaque trinity memorial
red cross carving trinity memorial gardens
black granite monument recessed tile picture Royal Palm South
black companion headstone memorial Serbian Bosnian East Elfers Cemetery
Pillar Monument Colum Bronze crucifix Lake Wiamauma Cemetery
ledger with recessed laser etched tiles and floral flower design
union jack photo Serenity Gardens Largo, Fl
Farsi Lettering hand-written engraved memorial Royal Palm Cemetery
Chinese lettering Myrtle Hill Cemetery Tampa, Fl
double grey memorial bronze vase Dade City Floral Hills
Companion flat marker Sunnyside Cemetery
Hebrew memorial Gan Shalom
Single memorial Hebrew star Royal Palm South Cemetery St. Petersburg, Fl
Life-size black granite laser etched headstone memorial Seffner, Florida
black granite memorial Jamaican flag
black granite flat ledger with laser and engraved lettering
full color laser etched saints
black granite lot with candlehouses and bench
black granite laser family tree Sylvan Abbey Memorial
Black stone laser memorial Royal Palm South
hand-etched portrait memorial Wimauma Cemetery
Black granite memorial hand etching East Elfers Cemetery
One-of-a-kind hand etched artwork horses cats Sunset Memory Gardens, Tampa
black granite memorial hand etched portrait beautiful art royal palm south St. Petersburg, Fl
Black 2 x 1 hand etched memorial
heart shaped modern headstone, Trinity Memorial Gardens
black teardrop granite laser etched heaven clouds
Cherokee Marble flat memorial Cycadia Cemetery
Morning Rose double monument Midway Cemetery
Black granite laser etched scene
Hand etched couple on black granite with grey vase boxes Meadowlawn Cemetery
upright jet black granite monument with hand etched portrait Meadowlawn
black granite hand etched picture Royal Palm Cemetery
Greek key columns monument headstone, Calvary Catholic Cemetery
hand etched portrait Meadowlawn Cemetery
Hand etched memorial art picture Meadowlawn Cemetery
Blue pearl mustang emblem monument Wimauma Cemetery
Blue pearl wave monument with ledger heart shaped etched porcelain insert
Blue Pearl Estate Monument, Sunset Memory Gardens, Tampa, Fl
Blue Pearl Estate Monument with pagoda top, Sunset Memory Gardens
Blue Pearl bevel marker memorial , Sunnyside Cemetery
Blue Pearl slant with picture & vase , Parklawn
black white photo memorial royal palm cemetery
Vietnamese Monument, Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Black granite memorial with large photo and column and vase, Curlew Hills
Black granite lighthouse monument laser etched Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park
Black laser monument with block pillars Muslim Section, East Elfers Cemetery
black companion monument with vases
Black custom headstone laser etched owl birds , Keystone Church Cemetery
Celtic Cross memorial monument , Serenity Gardens
Russian orthodox headstone memorial , Royal Palm South Cemetery
double headstone grey granite monument Largo Cemetery
Greek Orthodox Monument with candlehouse and St. Michael Porcelain
Double wing companion monument with tree carvings
Morning Rose granite slant with black vase
Veteran cremation memorials Dunedin Cemetery
Light Pink slant with butterflys
Traditional slant in pink
Double slant salisbury pink East Elfers Cemetery
laser etched black granite ledger , East Elfers Cemetery
laser etched black granite slant memorial , East Elfers Cemetery
single slant memorial, East Elfers Cemetery
Slant monument Largo Cemetery
Crown of a good name Hillsborough Memorial Park
Double Slant Monument Dunedin Cemetery
Slant monument with black etched recessed tile
Slant monument with free VA memorial
Slant monument Trinity Cemetery
Flash black slant Sunnyside Cemetery
Salisbury pink wing slant
Russian India Red Monument Sunset Memory Gardens
India Red Estate Monument, Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park
Missouri Red Estate Monument, Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Wing monument India Red Calvary Catholic Cemetery
India Red oval top polished check down
Single upright India Red with vase
Missouri Red Cycadia Cemetery
India Red Serenity Gardens
India Red flat marker Lake Carrol Cemetery
Family cremation memorial
Paradiso all-polish monument Sylvan Abbey Cemetery
Salisbury pink butterfly Masarkytown, Fl
Cherokee Marble Rose Hill Cemetery Tarpon Springs, Fl
Cherokee white marble cross
american black ledger and vase Lutz cemetery
Hebrew ledger Sylvan Abbey Memorial Gan Shalom
Ledger memorial with heart
Check down top polished ledger
Orthodox monument Cycadia Cemetery
Orthodox monument with ledger
Orthodox crosses and ledgers
Orthodox Cross with wings and ledgers Cycadia Cemetery
Tandem Georgia grey ledgers
Upright with ledgers Royal Palm Cemetery
Black laser monument with grey coping lot Muslim Section, East Elfers Cemetery
Black with gold lettering Lincoln Cemetery St. Petersburg, Fl
American Black Lutz Cemetery
Black with gold upright monument
Evergreen slant and ledger Cycadia Cemetery
San Antonio Catholic Cemetery
Lasered and lettered monument
Black double memorial Serenity Gardens Lakeland, Fl
Jet black polished family name
White pearl Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Mahoghany with Greek Key design
Black with etching and coping
Custom monument East Elfers Cemetery
Largest monument in Pinellas county furnished Summer 2006
Cremation Lasered Memorials
Engraved cremation urn granite monument backyard or cemetery
Monument with gold lettering Sunnyside Cemetery
Laser with bronze vase Sylvan Abbey
persian calligraphy on black granite Sylvan Abbey
Smokey Mountian etched scene
Laser etched East Elfers Cemetery
Laser etched Vereen Cemetery
Laser etched bevel Midway Cemetery
Laser etched Parklawn Cemetery
Laser etched black memorial
Polished shadow outline family name
Upright custom monument Cycadia Cemetery
White marble Greek lettering
Upright with etched tile insert
Hellenic section Curlew Hills Grey upright memorial
2 person private mausoleum
Private family mausoleum Tarpon Springs, Fl
Flat memorial Grace Cemetery Hudson, Fl
Laser etched black die Tarpon Springs, Fl
Special shape black monument
Etched Madonna Calvary Catholic Cemetery
History in stone Cycadia cemetery
Greek lettering with marble chips
Tree monument East Elfers Cemetery
Upright monument for three
Special font Serenity Gardens
Elberton blue with black vases
American Black Royal Palm Cemetery
All polish black Sylvan Abbey Cemetery
Polished black wing monument
Large family monument Royal Palm Cemetery
Polished cross in recess Carnillian granite
Cremation Estate Monument for six people
St. Brenden Catholic Church
Black with latin cross Myrtle Hill Cemetery Tampa, Fl
Grey bevel Largo cemetery
Autumn Rose Large family wing monument
Barre Grey Estate Monument Myrtle Hill Cemetery Tampa, Fl
Frosted heart panels Trinity Memorial Park
Hebrew lettering with VA memorial
Single upright Hebrew characters
Greek text Trinity Cemetery
Salisbury Pink granite memorial with custom phoenix tree of life emblem
Cycadia Cemetery Tarpon Springs, Fl
Pink pearl wing monument Sunnyside Cemetery
Salisbury pink Ehern Cemetery Land O Lakes, Fl
Morning Rose granite small double flat marker Lake Carroll, Tampa
Morning rose flat companion
Salisbury Pink granite with classic rose
Salisbury pink with picture Lutz Cemetery
Hellenic Garden Curlew Memorial
Mahogany companion memorial
Flat single marker with photo Trinity Cemetery
Traditional flat marker special font
gray flat carved dogwood footstone memorial Royal Palm Cemetery
Cherokee white marble memorial
Single memorial Parklawn Cemetery
Single flat memorial w/vase Trinity Memorial Park
Simple flash black memorial
Polish outline family name
Lighthouse design Sunnyside Cemetery
Rose carving upright single monument
Shellrock scallop hebrew Sylvan Abbey
Traditional Hebrew companion upright Trinity Memorial Gardens
Traditional monument Mcmullen Cemetery
Color laser etched cremation memorial
Flash black flat memorial Grace Cemetery
Jet black bevel marker Cycadia Cemetery
Black flat memorial with white vase
Ohio State Stadium etched
Laser etched black and white Sunnyside Cemetery
Laser etched black Sunnyside Cemetery St. Petersburg, Fl
Laser etched portrait India black
Laser upright Cycadia Cemetery
Laser etched back teardrop
Black teardrop color etched
Teardrop with laser etching
Rainbow River full color etching
Salisbury pink orthodox cross
Wing monument polished orthodox cross
Othrodox memorial Trinity Cemetery
Blue/grey cross on pedestal
Greek Orthodox monument Curlew Hills Hellenic section
Wing monument latin cross
Celtic cross Sylvan abbey Cemetery
Single upright Rose Cemetery
Salisbury pink with coping border
Kevin and Nanci Cantrell, Owners, Let our family help your family.
Custom lettered monuments
wing custom monument with soccer ball
Flash black Sunnyside Cemetery
scallop rock memorial with beach boat scene
Scallop companion monument
India Red large heart monument Meadowlawn Cemetery
Imperial pink double hearts Hillsborough Memorial
Black double heart with etchings
Stacked heart Canadian mahogany
Double hearts Trinity Memorial Park
North American Pink Limona Cemetery
Double heart with crosses
Double heart Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Double heart companion Calvary Cemetery
Pink Pearl double heart monument with integral vase hole
North American Pink Trinity Memorial park
Butterfly Chapel Rose Memorial Curlew Hills
Morning Rose pink traditional hebrew monument, Trinity Memorial Gardens
Light pink heart East Elfers Cemetery
Chapel Rose heart monument Dade City
Single grey heart with vase
Double heart black and gold
Greek key around family name
Dark green with bronze vases Trinity Cemetery
China black estate monument
Pillar monument Anclote Cemetery
black estate orthodox greek monument
Evergreen granite Calvalry Catholic
Estate monument Sylvan Abbey
Polished margin base Calvary Catholic Cemetery
All polished black Sunnyside Cemetery
Custom memorial Royal Palm Cemetery
Blue/grey upright Royal Palm Cemetery
Single upright monument headstone with vases
Upright single monument grey granite
Single upright rectangle ceremic
Orthodox memorial Sunnyside Cemetery
Baseball carvings Largo Cemetery
Silver cloud upright monument
Infant Memorial Keystone Cemetery
Cross carving Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Single upright rose carving panel
Single upright Trinity Cemetery
Single upright Royal Palm Cemetery
Grey basic upright monument with vases
Elberton Blue with black vases
Wing monument Serenity Gardens Largo, Fl
Black estate monument with flutes
Tribute to Greek musician Spyros Skordilis
Porcelain ceramic custom shape
Chapel Rose shellrock Trinity Cemetery
Special shapes and colors
Botanee Cross with coping
Natural granite rock shape monument Dunedin, Fl
Double bevel with vase Serenity Gardens Largo,Fl
Raised bevel edge companion marker with black vase
Single memorial photo police badge
Wave monument with convex vases Dunedin Cemetery
Laser etched medicine wheel
Custom Ledger Clearwater Cemetery
Lawn Crypt Marker Guitar carving
Lawn Crypt memorial with photo
Black lawn crypt marker with photo and vase
Lawn Crypt marker with photo / vase
Grey lawn crypt marker Cycadia Cemetery
Lawn crypt marker with candleholder and vase
Seminoles lawn crypt marker
Blue pearl lawn crypt Cycadia Cemetery
Bahama Blue lawn cypt Greek Flag porcelain Cycadia Cemetery
Black lawn crypt Cycadia Cemetery
Salisbury pink lawn crypt
Black lawn crypt with vase and candleholder
bahama blue granite memorial with recessed picture and vase
Black granite greek key memorial Tarpon Springs
Black granite greek lawncrypt style memorials candleholder
Greek Key INDIA MAHOGHANY Granite Greek memorial
Greek Memorial Cycadia Cemetery
India Aurora Granite Crucifix emblem Cycadia Cemetery
Greek Key Greek memorial black granite
Blue Pearl lawn crypt memorial, Cycadia Cemetery
Paradiso Granite Cycadia Cemetery